Keys for Less Stressful Communication

What might you imagine is one of the biggest stressors that convince people to seek counseling? Is it fear of death, disease, or unemployment? Actually, it’s a fear of being seen as selfish and therefore, being disapproved of. It’s the conflict between...

Ways We Avoid Healing

“If I journal, then I have to THINK about my husband having an affair,” stated my client flatly. “Why would I want to do that?” That may sound a bit silly to you, but as human beings we are always finding distractions from our issues that need...

Assessing Your Healing: Signs of Progress in Therapy

Do you know that you can focus on various areas in your life to see if you are feeling better in specific ways? This is a fun, informal quiz to use for this purpose. Rate your improvement from 1 to 4, with 4 being the most improved. Leave it blank if it doesn’t...

10 Gifts to Give Yourself This Year

1. Turn off the TV news for the holiday season.  Instead, light candles and put on music. 2. Notice even the smallest of your daily accomplishments instead of what you DIDN’T get done. Keep a “success list!” 3. Remember that we get what we focus on in life. Focusing...