When the Holidays Aren’t So Merry
When the Holidays Aren’t So Merry—Making it Through the Season “What’s wrong with me?” my patient (fictional) asked, shredding the tissue in her hands as she wept on my couch. “Shouldn’t this be a happy time of year? Why...
Reality Check: How to Test Your Anxious Thoughts
How we see it is how it will be.” (Anonymous) We most often suffer more from what we FEAR than what actually HAPPENS, so it’s important for you to learn how to evaluate what you are thinking. Things always look less fearful when we face them head on vs....
Regular Checkups: The Value of Maintenance Care
“The depression symptoms are just so bad again,” my patient (fictional) sighed as she settled in on my couch after a six month absence. “I’m having the guilt feelings, sadness, no energy, trouble sleeping, and I’m gaining weight...
Positive Psychology in 5 Simple Steps!
I love Positive Psychology! I teach it to my clients as a powerful tool and want to share the steps with you today. Gratitude is researched and recognized as a significant factor that supports our well-being. A favorite acronym that helps to remind me that I have the...
Five Things You May Not Know About National Police Week
May 15 th is National Peace Officers Memorial Day and marks the week for National Police Week. The month of May brings appreciation of our Law Enforcement Officers and the sacrifices they suffer in order to protect and serve us as citizens and various memorials are...

How to Connect with your Teen
By: Renee Hunnicutt, LCSW Bringing your teen to counseling is a great step to combat anxiety, depression, self-harm, and other common mental health concerns. The work does not stop there! As a parent, you obviously have more access to your teen than their therapist...
An Attitude of Gratitude: Tips for Tough Times
“In the depth of winter, I finally realized that deep within...
Signs of Depression in Adults
PLEASE NOTE: this list is NOT intended to diagnose or treat you. See...
Say What You Need to Say: Healthy Communication Tips
Even if your hands are shaking And your faith is broken Even if your...
Simple Ways to De-Stress
It contributes to illness. It’s the major factor in back pain. In...
Untreated depression is indeed dangerous
Depression wreaks havoc on the entire body by throwing the stress...
What Therapy Stage Are You In?
SURVIVAL: Virtually all counseling clients start at this level. You...
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