Positive Psychology in 5 Simple Steps!
I love Positive Psychology! I teach it to my clients as a powerful tool and want to share the steps with you today. Gratitude is researched and recognized as a significant factor that supports our well-being. A favorite acronym that helps to remind me that I have the...
Five Things You May Not Know About National Police Week
May 15 th is National Peace Officers Memorial Day and marks the week for National Police Week. The month of May brings appreciation of our Law Enforcement Officers and the sacrifices they suffer in order to protect and serve us as citizens and various memorials are...
Top 5 Reasons Couples Counseling Doesn’t Work
1. You’re not being honest It’s really tough to work on rebuilding a relationship if someone is omitting information. As a therapist, I always choose to trust my clients. All I have is your word, and your word is what we build treatment on. If you aren’t being honest...
Summer and Holidays and Vacations, Oh My!
By: Katie Deen, LPC, RPT Here comes summer. We have holidays, time with friends, vacations, and all the FUN activities. Yet, do you ever feel like there is more yelling? More meltdowns? More fighting and frustration? Do you find yourself looking at your kids thinking...
5 Eye-Opening Signs You Actually Have a Problem With Alcohol
When it comes to alcohol, you may wonder where the line is and if you’re crossing that line at all. How many drinks is considered alcohol abuse? Do you have a problem with alcohol? How do you know if you have an alcohol addiction? Here are 5 signs you have a problem...

Are You a Pleaser? Do You Struggle to Say “No”
By: Ryan Thompson, LPC Pleasers are some of the nicest, most loyal, committed, and loving people you will ever meet. Their biggest strength tends to be their loving heart. However, this strength also tends to be their biggest weakness. The loving and kind nature of a...
Signs of Codependency
You Won’t Change, So I Must Be Doing Something Wrong: A Quick...
Tips for Coping with Panic Attacks
Always begin with a visit to your doctor or health care provider to...
Healing The Past: Children of Narcissistic Parents
“Why is getting along with my mother so hard?” said my...
Healthy Self-Talk: Be Your Own Cheerleader
“I just can’t do ANYTHING right,” my client sighed...
How to Handle Divorce: Ten Quick Tips
1. Protect the children. Children have a deep psychological need to...
Counseling for Children
Child counseling can be extremely successful if you support your...
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