Signs of Codependency
You Won’t Change, So I Must Be Doing Something Wrong: A Quick Look at Codependency Codependency is excessive emotional or psychological reliance on a partner, typically a partner who requires support due to an illness or addiction. Being in relationship with an...
Tips for Coping with Panic Attacks
Always begin with a visit to your doctor or health care provider to ensure that there is not an underlying medical cause to your symptoms. Don’t self-diagnose. Panic attack symptoms include: Shortness of breath Tightness in the chest Rapid heartbeat Inability to...
Healing The Past: Children of Narcissistic Parents
“Why is getting along with my mother so hard?” said my client, sighing deeply as she wiped away tears in session. “I feel anxious all of the time, I’m depressed, and I can’t even hear her sigh of disapproval on the phone without wanting...
Top 5 Reasons Couples Counseling Doesn’t Work
1. You’re not being honest It’s really tough to work on rebuilding a relationship if someone is omitting information. As a therapist, I always choose to trust my clients. All I have is your word, and your word is what we build treatment on. If you aren’t being honest...
When the Holidays Aren’t So Merry
When the Holidays Aren’t So Merry—Making it Through the Season “What’s wrong with me?” my patient (fictional) asked, shredding the tissue in her hands as she wept on my couch. “Shouldn’t this be a happy time of year? Why...
Summer and Holidays and Vacations, Oh My!
By: Katie Deen, LPC, RPT Here comes summer. We have holidays, time with friends, vacations, and all the FUN activities. Yet, do you ever feel like there is more yelling? More meltdowns? More fighting and frustration? Do you find yourself looking at your kids thinking...
Ten Signs You May Need Professional Therapy
We all go through challenging times in our lives, but some...
Do I Need Counseling?
Every day millions of people search online for help with their...
Keys for Less Stressful Communication
What might you imagine is one of the biggest stressors that convince...
Ways We Avoid Healing
“If I journal, then I have to THINK about my husband having an...
Treating Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, and Couples Issues
Have you ever wondered about all of the types of counseling or...
Assessing Your Healing: Signs of Progress in Therapy
Do you know that you can focus on various areas in your life to see...
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